Effects of Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass

Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass is a high-calorie, high-protein supplement meant to promote increases within lean muscle mass and fat. While Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass might help you gain muscle whenever used in conjunction with a good work out program, it may also bring about unpleasant side effects. The product provides 50 grams of protein and most 250 g associated with carbohydrates per helping. As with any supplement, you need to consult your doctor prior to using Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass.

Each serving associated with Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass provides the whole daily recommended consumption of vitamin A. If you consume other meals rich in vitamin A, for example carrots, spinach as well as kale, you may be in danger of an overdose of vit a, which may cause liver organ problems. Serious Bulk contains 50 grams of protein for each serving, which is also a whole day's worth; registered dietitian Katherine Zeratsky information too much protein could cause or exacerbate current liver problems.

Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass contains creatine, an ingredient which is used in many supplements to advertise muscle and power gain. If you are using Serious Mass with other dietary supplements that contain creatine, you may be in danger of kidney damage, because the University of Annapolis Medical Center notes this can be a side effect of creatine. Authorized dietitian Zeratsky explains that higher protein intake can also be associated with kidney harm.

One benefit of physical exercise such as resistance training is it improves insulin level of sensitivity, which helps your body make use of insulin more efficiently as well as decreases the risk of excess weight. However, a study released in the May '09 issue of "Proceedings from the National Academy associated with Sciences" found that consuming amino acid and vitamin E along with workouts inhibits enhancements in insulin level of sensitivity promoted by physical exercise. Each serving of significant Mass contains 100 % of the recommended every day intake of each vitamins. This may hinder your workout recovery. All in all using Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass should be in moderation and should be consulted first to you physician.